MIXTAPE: Bitchin’ Mixtape Vol.21

Happy New Year people. Kickoff 2014 with some great tunes. Cheers.

Track listing (click for larger view):

  • Pigs – best voice. Here’s a slow churner slab of awesome.
  • Blockheads – reminds me of early 90s Napalm with Barney. And that’s a huge compliment in my book.  
  • Dwn – you may recall this debut album made my greatest albums of all-time list. Such a great sound on this album. This here song fucking rules.
  • Est Bst – The singer sounds like a whiny bitch but the music slays. Get a new singer and you have a big future.
  • Ghst – I like about 5-6 songs from what they’ve thus far released. This is by far the best song.
  • Hgh Wre – Melody. Chorus. Hook. Beautiful.
  • Krn – I’m a sucker for this band. Have been since they debuted. I like the new album. I’d call it a “mature” record for them. This song is great.
  • Modern Wr – They’re back. And this was from the last reign.
  • ND – Barney always comes up with creative titles. This one is very cleaver. And it rips the blank look right off your fucking face.
  • Nrva – Another of my rediscovery of this band’s whole catalog. Rawesome.
  • RrgWrm – These guys don’t fuck around. Exhibit A.
  • 6und B-side track to their latest. Once again, I like a B-side better than any of the tracks on the main album.
  • Strg – I like my share of alternative garage rock. This hits the spot.  
  • Tort Kil – death metal – pure and simple. DEATH M-E-T-A-L!!!!!!! I say.   
  • TS – One of my pioneer metal bands that got me into this whole great mess. This is such a great song. Should be played at every party for the rest of time. Get to it.
  • Z – from their brand new album. The beards still got it. Southern fried goodness with a side of BBQ sauce. Love the 4th gear the singer hits on the chorus.   

Support bands. Buy their music.

If this MIXTAPE becomes unavailable for DL, comment here and I’ll re-up if you’re nice.


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